Ttp Military Acronym - When reading various information security reports, blogs, and tweets, I often see the acronym "TTP" being used to describe many things related to information security (testing, tools, procedures, programs, etc.). Although TTP is a common acronym, it is not the original meaning: procedures, procedures and procedures. In this article, I will discuss my interpretation of TTPs (based on Department of Defense doctrine) and explain why I believe this is how TTPs should be used!
Regulations, rules, and regulations are specialized terms that originated in the Department of Defense and have been used for years to describe military operations. Joint Publication 1–02,
Ttp Military Acronym
Now that we have the "official" definitions, what do they really mean? I like to think of these as a particular hierarchy, going from broadest (strategies) to most important (tactics). To help clarify what the terms mean in practice, I will explain the meaning of each term in great detail. Additionally, I will use the analogy of "owning a car" to help illustrate each of these terms.
Ryan Stillions: 2014
Instructions are high-level statements with limited specific information that describe how things should be done. Usually used for planning and/or tracking purposes, there are no specific guidelines or instructions, just general guidance useful for high-level monitoring to ensure that everything required is completed as part of a larger whole.
To use the analogy of owning a car, there are many "processes" involved in owning a car, such as fueling, cleaning, and preventive maintenance. Each of these can be considered a "skill" of owning a car. For the purpose of this example, let's focus on "preventive care" as the chosen technology to be examined.
Guidelines form a gray area between the high-level perspective of guidelines and the specific details of guidelines (discussed next). They have actions that are expected to be performed, but without specific instructions (i.e. non-procedural) for how to complete that action. This usually results in identifying tasks that need to be done, but without micromanaging how to do the work.
To continue the car analogy, if your tactic of choice is "preventive maintenance," there are various techniques that can be used to accomplish that process, such as changing the oil, rotating tires, replacing lags, and so on. These principles form a common general principle. However, the tasks to be done do not provide specific instructions for how to do them. We choose "oil change" as the process of interest and use it to discuss the process.
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Instructions are detailed instructions and/or guidelines for performing a task. Procedures include all the steps necessary in performing a specific task, but without any high-level or background considerations of why the task is being performed. The importance of instructions is to ensure that the instructions are completely detailed so that anyone good enough to follow the instructions can complete the task correctly.
To complete our car example, the instructions for performing the "oil change" procedure will be specific to the car being maintained. This includes all information about change frequency, oil type, filter type, flow condition, tools required, etc. Advice should be accessible to anyone (well, almost anyone). Capable of performing the described performance. Using these instructions.
Presenting processes, processes, and processes as a hierarchy helps to see the relationships between them. Achieving the desired strategy requires the use of one or more strategies. You must have one or more processes to follow to complete the process you want. What distinguishes "advanced" threat actors from others is their ability to implement new strategies or sophisticated strategies that others cannot easily replicate, even if their strategies are similar to others.
While TTP is used to describe conventional warfare, it can also be very useful in describing cyber security. At the moment, MITER ATT and CK Matrix are already established in the way this system is used and provide the best single source for security-based TTP.
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The column headings represent the various high-level strategies (highlighted in red) that the attacker uses as part of the cyber attack cycle. Each entry in the Matrix under Processes represents a process (highlighted in green). As discussed earlier, for each process, several processes are listed. When you click on a policy, it will take you to a page with additional details on the policy, including examples of actual use by malicious actors. These examples represent the processes used and provide a detailed analysis of the actual actions taken and resources used. Patterns can also be viewed as specific hashes or actual tools and command lines used for specific malicious activities. MITER ATT&CK computer security reduces the ease of TTP access.
For example, when an attacker wants to access computers or resources on the network that are not at their primary base, they have to implement the lateral movement tactic. A popular technique is to use the Windows administrative partitions, C$ and ADMIN$, created as a writable directory on the remote computer. One strategy to implement this trick might be to use the SysInternals PsExec utility, which creates a binary to execute a command, copies it to the Windows Control Share, and starts a job from that share. Blocking the SysInternals PsExec tool does not completely eliminate the threat of Windows managed distribution technology; The teacher may use another strategy
Or the PowerShell cmdlet Invoke-PsExec. Understanding the specifics of attack and defense measures is important when evaluating the effectiveness of security controls.
Other than trying to explain the use of "TTP", why is this old military jargon relevant to today's computing world? In fact, this approach to understanding malicious activity will make you a better attacker or defender. TTPs being able to break down complex attacks will make finding or creating those attacks easier than understanding them.
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An understanding of the various processes involved in information security will help you plan for areas where your personal experience of the company environment is lacking and focus efforts where you may lack current knowledge/area. For example, the concept of "think off" is the recognition that effective cyber defense must create other strategies that attackers use instead of focusing on preventing the first attack. This high-level overview helps avoid oversight of one part of the security system.
It is also incredibly important to understand the difference between processes and processes. Most network security tools and threat intelligence contributions focus on specific techniques used by the actor (such as tool hashes, filenames, and C2 domains/IPs) rather than the more general techniques used. Occasionally, the security community will label something as a new technology that should properly be called a new policy for an existing technology. Knowing the underlying process and being able to adapt specific processes will make you a better operator, no matter what role you fill.
As the old saying goes, "Give a man a fish and you give him a day." Teach a man to fish, and you give him all the days of his life. When considering network security, phishing is like focusing on vulnerable indicators of attack patterns (such as hashes and specific IPs). It may fulfill your needs for a while but its effectiveness will be short-lived. Education for fish focuses on the technique in use, understanding the technique and behavior involved in the attack, and creating resilient counterattacks that work even as the attacker develops new strategies.
Hopefully this post will help clarify the difference between strategies, strategies, and tactics, as well as show the benefits of understanding each term.
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